
A TURBOZIP Compression Suite 8 Browse 8 Advantages

Turbozip is the solution to quickly open ZIP, RAR and much more popular (and less popular!) Archive files. It has been used by millions of pretentious users around the world since 1997, requested by users, Turbozip allows you to look inside the archive and see its content. Moreover, you can visualize files with an integrated viewer and only extract those files you really need.

Just slide and drop your archives into Turbozip and watch it open and list all the files inside the archives in front of you with its multi -tried technology. Turbozip brings you the famous Tree Style archive, an internal structure of the folders or the new miniature display, a blazing quick workflow and a quick overview.

Turbozip ships with powerful options so you can adapt it to your needs. It Supports 9 Levels of Compression Ratios Vs. Speed, Choose a Default Output Folder, Automatically Remove Archives After Unzipping Them, Keep Folder Structures, and Many More Features Make This The Most Complete Archiving Toll Compression Suite 8 Features

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